What we do

Cybersecurity & Digital Resilience

Strengthening global digital resilience against cyber threats and disinformation

CRDF Global builds and manages comprehensive, sustainable cybersecurity programs that strengthen critical infrastructure, improve private and public sector cyber workforces, and build resilient cybersecurity institutions.

Our unique approach draws on our extensive history of building institutional capacities. We engage the cyber community at all levels to ensure current and aspiring cybersecurity leaders are ready to take on rapidly evolving cyber threats. We build awareness of these threats and teach ‘cyber hygiene’ skills, including two-factor authentication, phishing avoidance, and social engineering. Our global network enables us to maximize partnerships with local stakeholders to build robust responses to cyber-attacks, counter malign influence, and strengthen each country’s technical capabilities and partnership.

Our Impact

+ 30


+$ 14 M


+ 5,000


+ 100


Focus Areas

In the face of a dynamic and growing disinformation environment, CRDF Global focuses on addressing policy issues related to influence operations, identifying methods for understanding their effects, and developing technological methods for measuring and evaluating countermeasures.

To effectively manage cybersecurity risk in the supply chain, CRDF Global incorporates perspectives from various disciplines and processes (e.g., information security, procurement, enterprise risk management, engineering, software development, IT, legal, HR, and so on). As a part of our strategy, we assist in highlighting the enterprise’s larger risk management operations by designing explicit roles to bridge and integrate these processes. This coordinated approach is an important aspect of an organization’s attempt to identify C-SCRM priorities, create solutions, and incorporate C-SCRM into overall risk management choices.

At CRDF Global, we contribute to creating suitable coordination frameworks and procedures between public and private sector institutions to ensure that the rule of law and strong governance principles are followed. We achieve this by raising cybersecurity awareness amongst decision-makers and promoting the adoption of national cybersecurity plans to confront growing science and technology threats.

CRDF Global continuously works towards improving formal and informal cooperation within the national cyber ecosystem by increasing the operational capabilities and capacities of local Computer Emergency Response Teams, Cyber Security Incident Response Teams, and other governmental bodies responsible for coordinating and responding to cybersecurity incidents.

CRDF Global creates and implements experiential training that is critical in the ever-changing world of cyber defense, such as training simulations, including the creation of a simulated training facility (cyber range), Capture the Flag workshops, hackathons, bug bounty programs, and cross-regional tabletop exercises. We also develop training curriculums that adhere to international standards and best practices. In addition, we provide pedagogical training to university professors and other instructors on developing new courses that can be completed at coursework at U.S.-based institutions.

Past Experience

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