Threat Reduction Partnership Week
Join us as we celebrate and expand the partnerships that enable us to advance our global mission to make the world safer and more secure.

Interested in partnering with CRDF Global? Let’s connect!
Connect with usThanks contacting us. We’ll be in touch soon!
For more than 25 years, international WMD Threat Reduction has been at the core of our mission. We bring together leading experts, government agencies, the private sector, academia, and non-government organizations on solutions to mitigate traditional and emerging CBRNE proliferation risks.
During Threat Reduction Partnership Week (November 4-8, 2024):
- Connect with us: we want to speak with you about how we can work together to contribute to the Threat Reduction mission
- Learn more: discover the diverse areas within which CRDF Global works to mitigate WMD proliferation risks and the many ways to collaborates
“Threat Reduction is in our bones”
Tina Dolph, President and COO
“Why should you join the team?”
Phill Starling, Director, Security Assistance
Increasing Global Security Together
CRDF Global’s threat reduction programs bring together leading experts, trainers, and international partner organizations to address complex challenges in order to safeguard critical and dual-use materials, research, technology, and data from falling into the wrong hands.
By fostering lasting relationships across sectors and countries, we strengthen physical and digital security, advance nonproliferation efforts, and build sustained local capacity.
Discover insights from some of our experts and partners as they share their experiences with our mission delivery, impact, adaptability, and collaborative approach.
Andrea Viski, Ph.D | Affiliated Expert, Strategic Trade Management
Bassam Hayek, Ph.D. | Affiliated Expert, Chemical Security
Pierre Legoux | Head of Programme Oversight and Implementation at World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS)
Dr. Lora Grainger | Affiliated Expert, Biosafety and Biosecurity
Garrett Schumacher | Co-Founder & CTO at GeneInfoSec
Many Ways to Work Together
Experts, Trainers, and Consultants
Across a range of levels of commitment, we work with technical experts with deep or broad understanding of a relevant subject matter; seasoned trainers with practical experience addressing specific threats and risks; advisors on a particular sector, region, or proliferation risk area; and specialists on the methods used by proliferation threat actors.
Institutional Partners
We partner with institutions around the world within research and academia, private industry, government, and civil society to advance our Threat Reduction mission. Our partners include scientific and professional associations, technology and innovation hubs, financial and compliance networks, and more. We engage both institutions looking for support in this area and organizations with proven solutions to difficult problems. For like-minded organizations implementing programs toward the same goal, we offer complementary project management support, logistical capabilities, and global networks that allow us to multiply our impact.