Crowdfunding Nuclear Security

Established in the memory of nonproliferation expert Robin Copeland, the Robin Copeland Memorial Fellowship is designed to support women pursuing careers in biological, chemical, and nuclear security and nonproliferation.
With funding from the crowdfunding campaign, CRDF Global was able to support 2016 fellow Jeaneth Kabini, a scientist at the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation.
CRDF Global attracted additional funding for Jeaneth’s involvement in the Robin Copeland Memorial Fellowship from Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Nuclear Threat Initiative.The U.S. State Department also funded two additional fellows involved in the fellowship.
Jeaneth has completed the first phase of her fellowship in the United States after having studied at the Middlebury Institute and completing an internship in Washington, DC at the Partnership for Global Security. She is now back in South Africa to implement a capstone project that she designed to contribute to the country’s nuclear security education and training capabilities.
Learn more about how you can help fund the next Robin Copeland Memorial Fellow.