CRDF Global’s Nilsu Goren Discusses Turkey’s Nuclear Energy Plan
Nilsu Goren, a program manager in CRDF Global’s CBRNE Security division, recently authored a briefer with the Council on Strategic Risks on Turkey’s energy needs and nuclear energy plans in context of climate change, nuclear security, and broader security trends in Turkey and the region.
In “The Clash of Civilizations,” Samuel Huntington categorized Turkey as a “torn” state between the West and Islam. While this categorization is overly simplistic, it points to Turkey’s problematic identity that is reflected in its foreign and security policymaking between East and West. This complicated landscape is seen in Turkey’s quest to balance its security dynamics as it works to address energy challenges and climate change risks”
Read more at Council on Strategic Risks
The views expressed are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of CRDF Global.