CRDF Global Hosts First Implementers’ Event for the Sustained Dialogue on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology Program

On October 25th, 2022, CRDF Global held an inaugural implementers’ event for the Sustained Dialogue on Peaceful Uses. The Sustained Dialogue was launched at the 10th Review Conference on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in August 2022 as a new initiative of the United States Department of State (DOS) and the United Kingdom Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, science, and technology.
The event, with hybrid attendance from invited representatives of countries that have expressed interest in supporting the Sustained Dialogue, introduced CRDF Global as the awardee of the DOS cooperative agreement to implement the initiative and promote active participation by a broad set of stakeholders. Ambassador Laura Holgate from the U.S. Mission to the International Organizations in Vienna, Austria, delivered the welcome and keynote remarks. Ms. Christine Martin of the DOS Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation and Mr. Oliver Housden of the BEIS Non-Proliferation Unit gave an overview of the Sustained Dialogue. CRDF Global’s President, Mr. Kenneth Myers, presented CRDF Global and it’s capabilities and introduced Dr. Nilsu Goren, the program manager who will oversee CRDF Global’s contribution to the Dialogue.
Mr. Jacek Bylica, Chief of Cabinet for the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), noted the important role of the IAEA as a partner in implementing the Sustained Dialogue, given the IAEA’s global lead on facilitating peaceful nuclear application projects. The objective of the Dialogue is to raise the profile of the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology in helping to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustain global engagement to identify new opportunities for peaceful uses cooperation and assistance, including through support for the work of the IAEA.
About CRDF Global
CRDF Global is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to building a safer, healthier, and more secure world. A trusted government partner for over 25 years, CRDF Global works in over 120 countries to mitigate shared global challenges in the areas of CBRNE security, counterproliferation, global health, cybersecurity, strategic trade controls, and economic development. CRDF Global operates regional hubs in Arlington, Virginia; Amman, Jordan; Kyiv, Ukraine; Almaty; Kazakhstan; and Manila, Philippines. For more information, visit