CRDF Global Celebrates Signing of Ukraine Critical Infrastructure Protection Legislation

(Kyiv, Ukraine) – On December 9, 2021, CRDF Global, in partnership with the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, convened a webinar “Exploring Ukraine’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Development.” Several of the speakers had a significant role in creating the Draft Law on Critical Infrastructure Protection, approved by Ukraine’s parliament in November. That legislation was signed by President Zelensky on December 10, 2021.
More than 160 participants from state organizations, the scientific community, Ukraine’s private sector, partner governments, and international organizations attended the webinar yesterday. Ukrainian speakers presented their vision for enhancing critical infrastructure protection in Ukraine and emphasized the need for extensive training and development of Ukrainian CIP specialists, encouraging new curricula in universities, providing E-learning courses, adapting risk assessment programs, and defining registers of critical infrastructure, as well as the crucial need for ongoing policy and political leadership.
CRDF Global is honored to have assisted the National Security and Defense Council with two CIP workshops in 2021 for state and regional administration employees. We congratulate the government of Ukraine on its adoption of this important legislation.