CRDF Global Awarded Cooperative Agreement to Disseminate Sanctions Enforcement Resources

The U.S. Department of State has awarded $150,000 to CRDF Global under a cooperative agreement to support the “Dissemination of a Comprehensive Web-Based Resource for Enforcement of Sanctions.”
The purpose of this award is to make information about complex nonproliferation sanctions more readily available to officials in partner countries.
This web-based tool will contain searchable open-source information about UN sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) to assist partners in finding, understanding and referencing authoritative source documents to strengthen their implementation of UN sanctions.
With this award, CRDF Global will work with nonproliferation and technology subject matter experts to develop this interactive tool to help partner nations make more informed, risk-aware policies and decisions regarding strategic trade control licensing and enforcement.
This project will strengthen understanding of UN DPRK sanctions among partner nations, demonstrating the United States’ commitment to countering regimes engaged in proliferation activity and sanctions avoidance.
About CRDF Global
CRDF Global is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to building a safer, healthier, and more secure world. A trusted government partner for over 25 years, CRDF Global works in over 120 countries to mitigate shared global challenges in the areas of CBRNE security, counterproliferation, global health, cybersecurity, strategic trade controls, and economic development. CRDF Global operates regional hubs in Arlington, Virginia; Amman, Jordan; Kyiv, Ukraine; Almaty; Kazakhstan; and Manila, Philippines. For more information, visit