Hassan Virji is a visiting professor at Hiroshima University. He previously served as the Executive Director for Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START), an international non-governmental non-profit organization dedicated to building capacity in developing countries to deal with global environmental changes and sustainable development.
Prior to his 24-year career with START, he contributed to the setup the US Global Change Research Program in his role as Executive Secretary of the US Inter-agency Subcommittee on Global Change Research. He also previously held the positions of Deputy Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and Associate Director of the Climate Dynamics Program of the US National Science Foundation.
He has served as a member of the Governing Boards of the International Centers of excellence located at CSIR/South Africa and the Academia Sinica/Taipei, UK-based Education, Learning, and Research for Humanitarian Assistance. He also served as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for WASCAL and on the Board of Directors for CRDF Global.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in physics and mathematics from the University of Dar es Salaam, a Postgraduate degree in meteorology from the University of Nairobi, and a Ph.D. in climatology/meteorology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Â Â Â