Procurement & RFPs

Seeking Cybersecurity Experts (DPRK)

Submission Deadline



CRDF Global is seeking cybersecurity subject matter experts (SME) with experience working with financial institutions to provide instruction and hands‐on training to information technology and cybersecurity professionals in partner countries to prevent state-sponsored cyber-attacks, particularly attacks from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Potential experts will build material and exercises to train cybersecurity professionals from at-risk financial institutions via remote (Zoom) and in-person (health conditions allowing) instruction.

Experts should have experience implementing and upgrading cybersecurity systems at financial institutions. Project objectives can include:

– enhancing the capacity of cybersecurity professionals in partner countries
– identifying and responding to malware and other attacks
– improving private sector cyber threat awareness
– enhancing cybersecurity best-practices implementation within institutions at elevated risk of being targeted by malicious cyber activities


Project objectives can include enhancing the capacity of cybersecurity professionals in partner countries, identifying and responding to malware and other attacks, improving private sector cyber threat awareness, and enhancing cybersecurity best-practices implementation within institutions at elevated risk of being targeted by malicious cyber activities. Experts should have experience implementing and upgrading cybersecurity systems at financial institutions.

SMEs will work with CRDF Global to customize the training materials for participants based on the location of the engagement. SMEs will lead efforts on producing survey questions and agendas for the engagements, providing tailored case studies of DPRK cyber activities, and will work with CRDF Global to facilitate workshops and followon activities. Following the curriculum development, the SMEs will deliver the trainings. SMEs will be required to submit progress reports and a final report on work accomplished and recommendations for next steps.