CRDF Global Supports USDA in Identifying Research Priorities in Rift Valley Fever Virus

In May 2024, CRDF Global worked with leading scientists at the USDA National Bio and Agro Defense Facility to plan and facilitate a 3-day Gap Analysis Workshop, bringing together global experts to discuss the current state of knowledge around Rift Valley Fever (RVF) and identify priority research areas to advance the detection, control, and eradication of the disease. Described as a “textbook OneHealth disease,” RVF is a mosquito-borne virus that can infect livestock and humans alike. With the growing impacts of climate change, the concept of OneHealth, or the interconnected dynamics of environmental, animal, and human health, is at the forefront of many leading research institutions’ strategic priorities.

The RVF Gap Analysis Workshop, held at Kwalata Game Lodge in South Africa, brought together 43 experts from 10 countries to discuss 5 key areas:

• Epidemiology
• Virology
• Diagnostics
• Vector factors
• Vaccines

Through keynote presentations and moderated group discussions, participants exchanged ideas, experiences, and perspectives on RVF research. The Workshop aims to produce a Gap Analysis Report, synthesizing the valuable discussions from the meeting for publication in a scientific journal and distribution to research institutions. The report will guide research and funding institutions on RVF research priorities for years to come.