CRDF Global selected by Department of State Export Control and Related Border Security Program to help prevent proliferation of WMD and illicit transfer of conventional weapons

CRDF Global was selected by the Department of State’s Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) program to address international strategic trade control gaps in support of the program’s mission to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and illicit transfers of conventional weapons.  The objective of the EXBS program is to help build effective national strategic trade control systems in countries that possess, produce, supply, or are likely to serve as a transit point for strategic items.
CRDF Global will raise awareness of best practices in strategic trade controls by engaging up to 16 technical experts to travel to EXBS partner countries in five regions across Europe and Asia during the 12-month period of performance.  The experts will hold consultations with EXBS partner country governments to illustrate international standards in strategic trade control licensing, enforcement and compliance that countries can emulate in their development.  
These activities will bring industry and government experts together to promote the development of customized and sustainable strategic trade control programs, which will help render these countries an impractical export/transshipment point for potential WMD and conventional arms traffickers.