CRDF Global to provide logistical support for policy exchange events for Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation

CRDF Global has been selected to provide logistical support for two diplomatic policy exchange events for Office of Export Control Cooperation in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN/ECC):

The U.S.-Oman Senior Policy Exchange
The U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council Counterproliferation Workshop

 The goal of the events is to support information exchanges between U.S. and foreign high-level government officials that further the adoption of international best practices for strategic trade and border control systems. The Senior Policy Exchange will bring together officials from the Government of Oman and the U.S. Government to discuss strategic trade control best practices and models for compliance, licensing, and enforcement. CRDF Global will support implementation of ISN/ECC’s policy exchange by selecting a venue; producing materials and content; managing the events; translating materials and providing interpreters; managing monitoring and evaluation; and supporting participants from Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program partner countries. The U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Counterproliferation Workshop held in September 2016 raised awareness of strategic trade best practices among participating GCC member countries, identified best practices frameworks for adoption and implementation, and fostered international and regional dialogue among partner countries. Twenty five GCC delegates and 29 USG officials took part in the workshop.